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肯尼亚pvoc |
FAQs 肯尼亚PVOC认证项目
1.What does PVoC stand for?
PVoC is an acronym for Pre-export Verification of Conformity.
PVoC is a conformity assessment procedure applied in the Country of Supply to ensure compliance of imported products with applicable Kenya Standards, approved specifications or applicable regulations. Products meeting the requirements of the relevant Kenya Standards or approved specifications will be issued with Certificate of Conformity (CoC)/Certification of Inspection (CoI) as proof of compliance by KEBS appointed PVoC service providers such as WSCT.
PVoC 是 Pre-export Verification of Conformity 的首字母缩写词。
PVoC 是一种在供应国应用的合格评定程序,以确保进口产品符合适用的肯尼亚标准、批准的规范或适用法规。符合肯尼亚相关标准或批准规范要求的产品将获得符合性证书 (CoC)/检验证书 (CoI),作为 KEBS 的 PVoC 服务提供商(如CCIC,WSCT)可以按照标准及流程签发COC证书PVOC。
2.What does KEBS stand for?
KEBS is an acronym for Kenya Bureau of Standards which is the statutory organisation of the Government of Kenya responsible for preparation and implementation of standards.
KEBS 代表什么?
KEBS 是肯尼亚标准局的缩写,它是肯尼亚的法定组织,负责制定和实施标准。
3.What is the objective of KEBS?
Objective of KEBS is:
• To promote standardization in industry and commerce
• To control, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the use of standardization marks and
distinctive mark
• To prepare, frame, modify or amend specifications and codes of practice
• To encourage or undertake educational work in connection with standardization
• To assist the Government or any local authority or other public body or any other person in the
preparation and framing of any specifications or codes of practice
• To provide for co-operation with the Government or the representatives of any industry or with
any local authority or other public body or any other person, with a view to securing the adoption
and practical application of standards
• To provide for the testing at the request of the Minister, and on behalf of the Government, of
locally manufactured and imported commodities with a view to determining whether such commodities comply with the provisions of this Act or any other law dealing with standards of quality or description.KEBS的目标是什么?
• 促进工商业标准化
• 根据本法的规定,控制标准化标志的使用和显着标记
• 准备、制定、修改或修改规范和业务守则
• 鼓励或开展与标准化有关的教育工作
• 协助或任何地方当局或其他公共机构或任何其他人准备和制定任何规范或行为守则
• 与或任何行业的代表或与任何地方当局或其他公共机构或任何其他人,以确保标准的实际应用
• 应部长的要求并代表提供检测
4.What is the the exempted products of PVoC?
the exempted products under Kenya PVoC include but are not limited to the following:
• Products that are already regulated by other government agencies such as the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate (KEPHIS), Pest Control and Products Board
• CKD vehicles imported by registered manufacturers
• Primary inputs imported by registered manufacturers subject to proof that the materials are
direct inputs to the manufacturing process and the finished products are manufactured from the
said raw materials are certified by KEBS
• Manufacturing plants and industrial spares imported by registered manufacturers for their own
• Printed matter (textbook, magazines).
• Products certified by KEBS under the Diamond Mark Scheme
• Courier shipments through JKIA (Airport) which are currently cleared under the Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) between KEBS and Courier Industry Association of Kenya (CIAK)
肯尼亚 PVoC 下的豁免产品包括但不限于以下产品:
• 已受其他机构监管的产品,例如药房和毒药 (PPB)、肯尼亚植物健康检查局 (KEPHIS)、害虫控制和产品
• 注册制造商进口的CKD车辆
• 注册制造商进口的主要投入,但须证明材料是直接投入到制造过程中,成品是从制造过程中制造出来的上述原材料通过KEBS认证
• 注册制造商为自己进口的制造工厂和工业备件采用。
• 印刷品(教科书、杂志)。
• KEBS 根据 Diamond Mark Scheme 认证的产品
• 目前已根据备忘录清关的通过 JKIA(机场)的快递运输KEBS 与肯尼亚快递业协会 (CIAK) 之间的谅解备忘录 (MoU)
6.What is the minimum FOB value threshold of Regulated Product Shipments?
There is no minimum FOB value threshold for Kenya PVoC.
肯尼亚 PVoC 没有低 FOB 门槛。
7.What will it cost to comply with the PVoC?
The fees for certification under Kenya PVoC is stipulated in the Kenya Exporter and Importer Guidelines document which can be obtained from your local WSCT Office.
肯尼亚PVoC 的认证成本是多少?
肯尼亚 PVoC 认证费用在肯尼亚出口商和进口商指南文件中有规定,该文件可从您可以联系KEBS授权的机构(WSCT,CCCIC等)索取
8.Who has to demonstrate compliance with the PVoC?
The responsibility for demonstrating compliance lies with the Exporters who are exporting regulated products to Kenya. The compliance process should be undertaken in the exporting country.
证明合规性的主要对象向肯尼亚出口受管制产品的出口商。 合规程序应在出口国进行。
9.What are the different Shipment certification routes under PVoC?
Depending on the eligibility and frequency of the shipments to Kenya, the Exporter can opt for any of the below shipment certification routes:
• Route A for Unregistered/ Unlicensed Products
• Route B for Registered Products – a Statement of Registration is issued with validity of one year
• Route C for Licensed Products - a Licence Certificate is issued with validity of three years.
• Route D for Consolidated Shipments - KEBS registered consolidators
For every shipment of regulated products, Exporters are required to obtain the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) under Route A, Route B and Route C; and Certificate of Inspection (CoI) under Route D. Issuance of CoC/CoI is based on successful evaluation of Test Report/Testing (if required) and/or physical inspection. The CoC/CoI is required by the Importers for Customs clearance of their Regulated Product Shipments.
The detailed process is included in the Kenya Exporter and Importer Guidelines document which can be obtained from your local from *** website.
• 未注册/未许可产品的路线 A
• 注册产品的途径 B – 签发有效期为一年的注册声明
• 许可产品的途径 C - 颁发有效期为三年的许可证书。
• 合并货件的路线 D - KEBS 注册的合并商
对于每批受管制的产品,出口商都获得途径 A、途径 B 和途径 C 下的符合性证书 (CoC);和途径 D 下的检验证书 (CoI)。CoC/CoI 的签发基于对测试报告/测试(如果需要)和/或物理检查的成功评估。进口商需要 CoC/CoI 来清关其受管制的产品装运。
10.From where can the required CoC/CoI be obtained?
WSCT is an approved Certification Body by KEBS for carrying out the Kenya PVoC certification. All activities related to PVoC must be performed in the Country of Export by the Exporter. WSCT has established a global network of Customer Service Centres in all the major trading countries for Kenya. The WSCT Office with geographical responsibility for that Country of Export closest to the Exporter can help facilitate the issuance of COCs/CoIs for the Exporter’s regulated product shipments.
10.从哪里可以获得所需的 CoC/CoI资讯?
WSCT 是 KEBS 批准的执行肯尼亚 PVoC 认证的认证机构。所有与 PVoC 相关的活动都由出口商在出口国进行。 WSCT 已在肯尼亚的所有主要贸易国家建立了客户服务中心网络。
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